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Anomaly Scan (Level II): A Crucial Prenatal Test for Detecting Fetal Abnormalities

Anomaly Scans, also known as Level II scans, are performed between 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy to detect structural abnormalities in the fetus. This detailed ultrasound evaluates the baby’s growth and development while screening for congenital conditions. It is one of the most important prenatal scans, as it provides a comprehensive assessment of fetal anatomy.

Why is an Anomaly Scan Important?

  • Detects structural abnormalities such as heart defects, neural tube defects, and skeletal abnormalities.
  • Assesses the development of vital organs like the brain, heart, kidneys, and spine.
  • Evaluates amniotic fluid levels and placental position, ensuring a safe pregnancy.
  • Helps in planning necessary interventions if any abnormalities are detected.
  • Identifies soft markers that may indicate chromosomal abnormalities.

What to Expect During an Anomaly Scan?

  • A detailed ultrasound of the fetus, examining each organ and body part.
  • Measurement of the baby’s growth parameters, including head circumference, femur length, and abdominal circumference.
  • Doppler assessment if needed to check blood flow to the placenta and fetus.
  • If any abnormalities are detected, genetic counseling or additional tests may be recommended.

Who Should Get an Anomaly Scan?

  • All pregnant women as part of routine prenatal care.
  • Women with high-risk pregnancies, including those with diabetes, hypertension, or a previous child with congenital abnormalities.
  • Pregnant women with a family history of genetic disorders.
  • Women carrying twins or multiple pregnancies.

Where to Get an Anomaly Scan in Kolkata?

For a precise Anomaly Scan Kolkata, visit a fetal medicine center in Kolkata that offers expert prenatal ultrasound clinic Kolkata services. Advanced fetal medicine clinics provide high-resolution ultrasound with detailed anomaly detection by trained specialists.

An Anomaly Scan (Level II) is a vital part of prenatal screening, offering a detailed evaluation of the baby’s health and development. Early detection of structural anomalies allows for better pregnancy management and preparation for specialized care if needed.

For the most accurate anomaly scan in Kolkata, consult an expert fetal medicine specialist in Kolkata today.

blog page Down Syndrome

Why is Prenatal Down Syndrome Screening Vital for New Parents?

Giving birth to a healthy baby is the most cherished wish for any parent. To ensure that, they reach all the extent to check the health and well-being of the unborn baby. Thanks to modern technology and modern prenatal screening, it has become easy to detect all kinds of medical issues in the fetus.

Importance of Checking Down Syndrome Symptoms:

Checking the signs of down syndrome through proper screening is an important medical requirement that parents need to follow. It is a very important prenatal genetic testing process which can help the parents detect the earlier signs of this medical condition. It is completely non-invasive and highly accurate and can clearly depict the fetus’ health.

More About Down Syndrome:

Before going for a down syndrome screening in Kolkata, parents should have a clear knowledge of the syndrome itself. It is a genetic disorder that affects a person with an extra chromosome. Human babies are generally born with 46 chromosomes. The extra chromosome causes an imbalance, which is medically termed ‘trisomy’.

Features of Down Syndrome in Individuals:95% of people with down syndrome are affected by trisomy. Though the affected individuals may be different from one another, they may show some similar physical features, like:

  • Flattened Face
  • Smaller Ears
  • Shorter Height
  • Smaller Limbs (Hand and feet)
  • Delays in Intellectual Assimilation and Speech

Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests for Down Syndrome:

Routine screening is necessary to prevent their child from getting affected by such a complex disease. It is an important part of prenatal care, which includes different steps. The screening requires a diagnostic test, which may determine the presence of an extra chromosome in the fetus. It includes the extraction of genetic samples through medical procedures, like:

  • Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): The medic extracts cells from the placenta. The procedure is generally performed between 10 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. The procedure carries a very low chance of miscarriage.
  • Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS): In this procedure, a blood sample is collected from the umbilical cord. It is one of the most accurate prenatal tests to determine down syndrome. The test has to be done once the mother reaches their second trimester.
  • Amniocentesis Sampling: It is a sample collected from amniotic fluid, which is taken with the help of a needle from the uterus. It is carried out after the 15th week of pregnancy.

IFM Fetal Medicine Unit Kolkata

With this medical testing procedure, one can understand if their fetus is facing healthy growth. To get better assistance in down syndrome screening in Kolkata, you can communicate with Institute of Fetal Medicine. They are a trusted establishment that can perform a wide range of non-invasive prenatal tests.

blog page Down Syndrome Fetal Medicine

Down Syndrome – A High-Risk Factor For Early Mothers and Unborn Babies

From the moment a mother conceives a new life, taking good care of the fetus becomes an integral part of her life. Regular doctor visits, taking medicines on time, getting all prenatal tests done and maintaining a healthy diet – that’s it. A mother is always conscious of her baby’s existence and hence does all the right things for the unborn child.

Down syndrome screening in Kolkata is one such popular tests that doctors recommend for early mothers nowadays. Tests can detect down syndrome generally in the first trimester. Mothers above the age of 35 years are likely to suffer from this syndrome. Not everyone is affected by the same; however, precautions are necessary to avoid future problems.

What to do if the down syndrome is detected during pregnancy?

Every pregnancy is unique. How would you feel if you get the bad news right at the beginning of your first trimester? The mere thought of the same scares many women from availing this test. However, down syndrome is not a very common disease. Generally, women with a family history of the same show signs of this syndrome during the pregnancy.

If you’re the unlucky one, then the bad news is there’s no medicine even if the same is detected. However, confirmation of the same from the test will mentally prepare you and your family members for the upcoming unique child. Remember one important thing – take good care of the mother who is having down syndrome. These mothers generally have a high to medium risk pregnancy.

How are these tests performed?

If you’re scared, then don’t be! This test doesn’t involve any pain. It’s a combination of an ultrasound and a simple blood test. Within 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy, the ultrasound examination is done on the mother. During the same visit, the doctors will collect your blood samples via the fingerstick.

Beta HCG and Plasma Protein  A components are tested in the blood samples. Although understanding the medical terms might be complicated, as a mother, you should question the doctor until you get everything clear in your mind.

Institute of Fetal Medicine, Kolkata is fully equipped and successfully conducts down syndrome screening in Kolkata for all pregnant women. If your case is severe and needs special attention, then our specialised doctors at IFM will guide you and take extra care while conducting the tests.