blog page Fetal Medicine

How Does the Sleeping Habit Affect the Fertility Rate?

Healthy sleeping habits are essential for promoting good health conditions. Research shows that women who are either insomniac or get fewer hours of sleep daily are less likely to get pregnant easily than those who follow normal sleeping patterns. According to experts, on average, an individual irrespective of gender, must sleep for at least eight to nine hours. Lack of sleep disturbs a person mentally and impacts negatively on the fertility level of the person.

Infertility specialists in Kolkata suggest infertile couples practice normal sleeping patterns as it helps to reduce anxiety, stress and maintains the hormone balance within the body. Moreover, a healthy immunity system is developed if your sleeping pattern is normal.

It is highly relevant that fertility level depends largely on a healthy lifestyle, weight management and appropriate hormone balance. Since all these are related to normal sleeping patterns, hence maintaining the same is essential.

4 infertility problems faced due to poor sleeping patterns

Hormone imbalance

Hormone balancing takes place when the body is at rest. Thus, when you sleep, your hormone levels increase. In the case of women, the levels of LH hormones tend to decrease if they stay awake through late nights. Thus, infertility specialists suggest women follow a regular sleeping pattern. This relieves them of stress and insitages better ovulation in the female body.

Risk of miscarriage

Night work or shift shifts during the pregnancy period is not an ideal option. The risk of miscarriage is high in case a pregnant woman doesn’t get enough sleep. The body needs double the amount of rest compared to a normal person’s amount of rest. Moreover, the majority of the medicines given during pregnancy are induced with mild sedatives to help the muscles and nerves relax. Since they are taken during bedtime, if the body doesn’t get the required amount of sleep, there’s a fair chance of miscarriage.

Delayed conception

As per the circadian rhythm, if a female body does not follow the regular sleeping pattern, the chances of conceiving early might get delayed. Lack of sleep gives rise to mood swings, irritation, depression, anger and tiredness. Hence, the rate of conception gets delayed as well.

Occurrence of PCOS

Irregular sleeping patterns increase body weight, which gives rise to problems like PCOS, Fibroid tumours, and endometriosis in the female body. These are a few unavoidable problems that make a woman infertile and, in most cases, makes it difficult for her to conceive.

To experience the joy of motherhood, contact experienced infertility specialists at the Institute of Fetal Medicine. Our infertility specialists will guide you through the process and make you aware of the do’s and don’ts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Book your appointment and discuss your problems with us.

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3 Essential Tips for First-time Fertility Appointments

A child is indeed a blessing in every couple’s life. If you get naturally pregnant, then the journey of motherhood becomes memorable. However, there are thousands of couples who have a hard time conceiving a child. Infertility in men and woman has become a common problem nowadays. Unhealthy food habits, excessive work pressure, and lack of personal space are a few points that make a couple infertile and hard to conceive a baby.

For them visiting a good infertility specialist in Kolkata become the only option left. Unlike visiting a gynecologist during pregnancy, this can be an awkward visit! Put your inhibitions away and communicate openly with the infertility specialist. If you don’t tell them about your problem, then the treatment procedure will get delayed.

Depending on you and your partner’s health situation, the majority of the specialists will suggest undergoing IVF. This is a highly successful procedure with a guaranteed chance of conceiving a child if done properly. However, you and your partner have to open up in front of the specialist for the whole process to be successful. The first meeting can be complex and full of inhibitions. Follow a few pointers and start your journey comfortably.

How to communicate with an infertility specialist the first time?

Gather previous health reports

Don’t go unprepared, as this might put you and the specialist into trouble. When you decide to go to an infertility specialist, it means that you’ve tried conceiving naturally and failed in the past. Hence you must have undergone tests as well that highlight your problem. Hence arrange all previous reports like blood test reports, sonography reports, and medication data. Presenting the reports first will help you break the ice.

Note down the important points

Carry a notebook and note down the important points that you discuss in the session. The specialist may not go for IVF readily. They may suggest a few tests, changes in lifestyle, diet, and tell you to start exercising. You must not down the important points so that you start with the same instantly.

Shoot queries as much as possible

Fixing an appointment with the infertility specialist means you must be having a lot of queries in your mind. Ask your doubts. If you refrain from doing so, you might remain stressed even at the end of the session. The idea is to reduce your burden and get a clear view of the treatment procedure.

To experience the joy of motherhood, contact the Institute of Fetal Medicine. We have the best infertility specialists in Kolkata who can treat female infertility through IVF or IUI treatments. Fix your appointment and undergo a simple yet effective treatment to get the most joyful moment of your life.

blog page Doppler Test

Why Are Doppler Tests Important During Pregnancy?

Unlike the older times, modern medicine has made much progress in different fields. Especially in pregnancy and fetus related problems, the usage of different advanced tests and technologies can now give an almost clear picture of the unborn baby and its development. Moreover, the tests are totally safe and completely pain-free. Among such tests, the Doppler test in Kolkata is suggested by all doctors. It is highly effective in detecting the growth, blood flow levels, heartbeats and heart rate of the unborn baby. 

Fetal medicine experts generally prefer running this test on every pregnant woman within the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Since they are safe without any side effects, these tests are an effective way to find abnormalities in the fetus. 

Why are Doppler tests effective?

For would-be moms who are afraid of needles, the Doppler test is a non-invasive process. This is generally done through transvaginal scanning. The Doppler test is important because of the following reasons.

  • It helps to detect blood clots and the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

  • It scans the images of the fluids and detects the direction of the flow of fluid. 

  • It helps to detect the effective flow of blood through the umbilical cord to the veins and arteries of the fetus. 

  • It helps in the detection of damaged arteries and veins of the fetus.

  • It checks the heartbeats and the heart rates and tries to identify the abnormalities in the same. 

  • It also helps to assess the possibility of kidney malfunctions in the unborn child. 

What is the process of conducting a Doppler test?

This is an easy process and is quite similar to a normal ultrasound. Generally would be moms remain anxious about the pain part. However, Doppler tests are completely safe, and there’s no pain or risk involved in the same either for the mother or the baby. The Doppler test machine is connected with speakers, and with the application of gel on the area, the ultrasound is conducted. 

The doctor listens to the sound waves and makes the diagnosis accordingly. Sometimes the blood pressure of the mother is measured while the test is going on. It is either done through transvaginal scanning or lower abdomen scanning. The choice depends on the agreed opinions of the patient and the doctor. 

Get your Doppler test done at the earliest from certified fetal medicine experts at the Institute of Fetal Medicine. Our specialists will guide you through the process and provide effective advice if any abnormalities are detected after the test. Book your appointment now. 

Thalassemia blog page

All You Need To Know About Thalassemia During Pregnancy

Most expectant mothers with Thalassemia traits have very little knowledge about the condition during pregnancy and the tests they have to undertake after they have conceived a child. So, the first thing you have to do is get your partner screened if you have Thalassemia. It will help you determine whether there is a chance for the condition to pass onto your child.

What Do You Mean By Thalassemia? How Is It Caused?

It is a hereditary condition that prevents our body from producing adequate haemoglobin, responsible for carrying oxygen through our bloodstream.  Haemoglobin is a protein present in red blood cells and comprises four protein subunits. More than 9000 children are born with Beta Thalassemia every year, making it one of India’s most common single-gene disorders. If you don’t want your child to be the next, visit the Institute of Fetal Medicine for Thalassemia Test in Kolkata.

How To Test For Thalassemia During Pregnancy?

You and your partner can get screened for Thalassemia both before and after conceiving a baby. Two common tests are the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Hemoglobin electrophoresis test. In addition, the doctor will conduct a blood test known as Complete Blood Count to track the presence of the Thalassemia trait in one’s body, the number of red blood cells and haemoglobin concentration.

What Does The Test Result Indicate?

Did you and your partner undergo the test before your pregnancy, and the test result showed that both of you are a silent carrier of Thalassemia? There is a 50% chance that your baby will become a carrier, there is a 25% chance that both of you being Thalassemia carrier won’t impact him and a 25% chance that your child will get the inherited blood disorder.

Do You Have To Worry About Thalassemia During Pregnancy?

Thalassemia is harmful to the unborn child during pregnancy if you fail to detect it at the right time. Expectant mothers should visit the Institute of Fetal Medicine for antenatal checkups at fixed intervals so doctors can closely monitor their health. Some doctors consider pregnancy with Thalassemia as a high-risk pregnancy.

The expectant mother can develop anaemia during her pregnancy if she only carries the traits. Proper management is necessary to prevent the condition from becoming severe. Prenatal testing will be necessary if both the parents have the trait. The test is done before the mother crosses her 12th-week pregnancy and helps in determining whether the baby will be born with Thalassemia Major.

What Is Beta-Thalassemia Major?

It is a severe condition when the child inherits one faulty gene from each parent. The number of healthy red blood cells in their body might be less than required. It makes them incapable of supplying sufficient oxygen through their body and causes life-threatening anaemia.

Conduct a Thalassemia test at the right time and you can decide whether you want to continue with the pregnancy or not.

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Consulting An Infertility Specialist – A Few Things To Know

Starting a family is often the most desired and sought-after couple goal. There is no specific time to plan a family. Any time is the right time though it all depends on the mental physical and financial states of the would-be parents. As it comes to planning a family, infertility is a major drawback that many couples face. And here is something that you should know before planning a family and consulting an infertility specialist if needed.

How long should you wait?

Well, you actually can’t do this luxury. Infertility is a time-sensitive issue. It is always recommended not to wait for the so-called ‘right time’ and put your fertility on hold. Otherwise, it might be really late.

How long have you been putting in the effort?

Have you been trying for more than a year to get pregnant without any fruitful outcome? Well, you might need to get medical assistance to conceive fast and of course, successfully. Don’t forget that the span is shorter for couples over 35 years. They should seek medical advice earlier being unsuccessful with normal attempts.

What factors to consider while planning to get pregnant?

  • Age – Are you below 35 or above?

  • Pre-existing medical condition and medical background – Do you have a history of any chronic illness in the family? Is there a history of early or premature menopause?

  • Reproductive problems – Now it’s time to check if you’re suffering from uterine/fallopian tube issues, PCOS, thyroid problem (for the female partner), endometriosis, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or sperm disorder.

  • Surgery/injury – Has any of the partners endured a surgery or any injury on the reproductive organs?

  • Cancer – Are you suffering from cancer or undergoing treatment?

  • Lifestyle – Check if any of you are underweight/obese. Do you drink or smoke?

Why should you be prompt?

  • The ovarian reserve gets declined with every menstrual cycle

  • As the age advances, the risks of miscarriage also get increased

  • Prior to starting your treatment, you might need to bring some lifestyle changes

  • Fertility screenings stretch over time; they may need additional screening as well

  • You may need to undergo several attempts resulting in a delay

What should you do now?

Visit a reputable Infertility Specialist in Kolkata having a good success rate in terms of infertility issues. They usually will want you to go through a couple-package to track the fertility status. The key steps at this phase are as follows:

  • Consultation with a fertility expert at your chosen clinic

  • Screening tests including Anti-Mullerian Hormone, Ultrasound scan, and tubal patency (HSG/ SIS )for the female partner

  • Screening tests includes semen analysis for the male partner

These tests will help to diagnose if there are any underlying issues related to infertility with any of the partners. The consultant is likely to guide you after checking the test reports so you can make a wise decision regarding what step you should take next.

Can it be cured?

Well, unfortunately, infertility can’t be cured always. But some cases are curable. There are 4 key options and those are:

  • Ovulation induction or OI – Restoration or regulation of the ovulation with the help of medicines.

  • Intrauterine insemination or IUI–This involves a marginally invasive procedure to place washed sperms directly in the uterus to enhance the possibility of fertilization.

  • IVF (Self Cycle) – This process involves retrieval of the mature egg of the female partner and healthy sperms of the male partner. Upon collection, the egg and the sperm are combined in the lab for the purpose of fertilization.

  • ICSI (Self Cycle) – This procedure involves injecting a healthy sperm into the egg with a fine glass needle while removing the limitations related to poor egg or less number of sperms/ Azoospermia.

These are the major things you need to know before visiting an infertility specialist.














blog page Down Syndrome Fetal Medicine

Down Syndrome – A High-Risk Factor For Early Mothers and Unborn Babies

From the moment a mother conceives a new life, taking good care of the fetus becomes an integral part of her life. Regular doctor visits, taking medicines on time, getting all prenatal tests done and maintaining a healthy diet – that’s it. A mother is always conscious of her baby’s existence and hence does all the right things for the unborn child.

Down syndrome screening in Kolkata is one such popular tests that doctors recommend for early mothers nowadays. Tests can detect down syndrome generally in the first trimester. Mothers above the age of 35 years are likely to suffer from this syndrome. Not everyone is affected by the same; however, precautions are necessary to avoid future problems.

What to do if the down syndrome is detected during pregnancy?

Every pregnancy is unique. How would you feel if you get the bad news right at the beginning of your first trimester? The mere thought of the same scares many women from availing this test. However, down syndrome is not a very common disease. Generally, women with a family history of the same show signs of this syndrome during the pregnancy.

If you’re the unlucky one, then the bad news is there’s no medicine even if the same is detected. However, confirmation of the same from the test will mentally prepare you and your family members for the upcoming unique child. Remember one important thing – take good care of the mother who is having down syndrome. These mothers generally have a high to medium risk pregnancy.

How are these tests performed?

If you’re scared, then don’t be! This test doesn’t involve any pain. It’s a combination of an ultrasound and a simple blood test. Within 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy, the ultrasound examination is done on the mother. During the same visit, the doctors will collect your blood samples via the fingerstick.

Beta HCG and Plasma Protein  A components are tested in the blood samples. Although understanding the medical terms might be complicated, as a mother, you should question the doctor until you get everything clear in your mind.

Institute of Fetal Medicine, Kolkata is fully equipped and successfully conducts down syndrome screening in Kolkata for all pregnant women. If your case is severe and needs special attention, then our specialised doctors at IFM will guide you and take extra care while conducting the tests.

blog page Fetal Medicine

Few Things To Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in every woman’s life. It is one of the greatest gifts of god. Though women have to make some sacrifices during this phase, it is worth the happiness. To ensure your good health and that of your child, you have to get in touch with a fetal medicine specialist. IFM has some of the most experienced, reliable, and dedicated Fetal Medicine Specialists in Kolkata. They will consider your pregnancy complications and let you know whether you have to avoid a few things which can impact you or your unborn child’s health.

Are You Pregnant? Few Things You Should Avoid

  • Alcohol

Though some people believe that consuming a small quantity of alcohol during pregnancy won’t cause much harm, it is advisable to avoid it altogether. When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it enters their bloodstream, crosses the placenta and reaches the unborn child. It can impact the developing liver of the baby and stop its growth. The baby might have a low birth weight. Consuming excessive alcohol can also lead to miscarriage.

  • Smoking

Even if you are a chain smoker, quit smoking immediately once you find out that you are pregnant. When a woman smokes during her pregnancy, it increases the chances of giving birth to a baby with low birth weight. There are even a few instances when excessive smoking has led to the baby’s premature birth or been born with respiratory problems. Expecting mother’s smoking habits is also linked to miscarriage.

  • Addictive Drugs

Say no to drugs while you are pregnant, as it can impact the normal functioning of your body even when consumed in small quantities. When you intake drugs during pregnancy, it transfers to the unborn child as well. Drugs cross the placenta and pass down to the baby, irrespective of consuming cannabis, ketamine, ecstasy, cocaine, or other illegal drugs.

  • Caffeine

Every experienced Fetal Medicine Specialist in Kolkata will advise you to avoid caffeine during your pregnancy. High levels of caffeine can lead to a low birth rate or miscarriage. If you are a coffee lover, make sure not to exceed the daily consumption of 200mg of caffeine. You can replace your daily cups of coffee with some healthier drinks or herbal teas.

Avoid the items stated above during your pregnancy and get in touch with a fetal medicine specialist to ensure the birth of a healthy child.

Amniocentesis Test blog page

Everything You Need to Know about Amniocentesis Test in Kolkata

A lot of medical tests and clinical examinations are done during pregnancy to monitor the health and growth of the fetus. These tests are also required to monitor the health of the would-be mom too. Amniocentesis is one such prenatal test. The test can detect as well as diagnose various chromosomal conditions.

Your obstetrician or Ob-Gyn will suggest this test to get valuable information about the health conditions of your unborn baby.

If you wish to know more about this test, please continue reading this blog.

What is Amniocentesis Test?

Your baby stays surrounded by amniotic fluid inside your uterus. During Amniocentesis Test, that fluid sample is taken out from your uterus to examine your baby’s cells and other chemicals. The test result will provide your doctor with crucial information about the health, genetic and level of maturity.

This test is highly effective in determining several genetic conditions in a fetus. Even conditions like sickle cell anemia and Down syndrome can be detected with the help of this test.

Why And When This Test is Imperative?

  • The amniocentesis test is not mandatory during pregnancy. It is an optional clinical examination. Your Ob-Gyn or prenatal care specialist will suggest you this test in certain conditions.

  • Results of other screening tests (including blood tests and USG tests) seem a bit abnormal or problematic.

  • The results of these tests are doubtful and not useful to understand the condition of your baby’s health.

  • The parents already have a child with a specific health condition that can be diagnosed with an Amniocentesis test.

  • Both or any of you two (you are your partner) have a family history of a specific genetic condition like Tay-Sachs disease or sickle cell anemia.

  • You are above 35 and want to be sure that your age will not affect your baby’s growth and genetic condition.

When is the Test Performed During Pregnancy?

The most preferred time for performing an amniocentesis test is between week 16 to week 20 during your pregnancy period. However, if your doctor finds it necessary, then he can ask you to have this test done any time until you give birth. It is not recommended before week 15 because this can cause risks in pregnancy, including miscarriage.

IFM Kolkata is the most reliable and reputable place in Kolkata for this test. We have highly talented and experienced doctors and other staffs who can offer you the best service.

Please get in touch with our customer service team to know all the details.

blog page Fetal Medicine

Know in Detail About the Chorionic Villus Sampling Test

A prenatal test, Chorionic Villus Sampling, also known as Chorionic Villus Biopsy, is done by taking a sample of the body tissue from the mother’s placenta, where it attaches to the uterus wall. The test identify genetic problems like chromosomal abnormalities and more. It detects any issues or diseases during birth.  Usually done between the 10th and 12th week of pregnancy, get it done from the center for Chorionic Villus Sampling Test in Kolkata.

The chorionic villi have the same genetic material as the fetus. The placenta is the structure that gives blood and nutrients to the fetus, taking it from the mother’s body.  Some women do a follow-up blood test between 16 to18 weeks to screen for defects in the neural tube.

Types of CVS Procedure

Transcervical procedure– The catheter is inserted inside the placenta through the cervix to get samples of tissues

Transabdominal process–  The doctors insert a needle through the abdomen and the uterus into the placenta to get tissue samples.

Detection of Problems

The CVS test correctly identifies chromosomal difficulties like Down Syndrome and genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis. Doctors detect other conditions like Sickle Cell Anemia or Tay Sachs disease. The doctors consider this test 98% effective to identify the sex of the baby, further detecting other disorders like muscular dystrophy.

Benefits of the Test

While deciding to take the prenatal test is very personal, it has its advantages.

Accuracy: Unlike the screening processes, CVS is a diagnostic whose results are accurate. Whatever the reports are, know that they will always be correct compared to any other system.

Timings: It is done mostly during the first trimester of the pregnancy. Until this time, the mother can research about her condition in detail.

Management: The test reveals if the baby has any genetic conditions. This can have an impact on the mother’s decision to continue the pregnancy. For some women, this becomes difficult otherwise.

Risks of the Test

One of the bigger risks associated with this test is a miscarriage. The possibilities are less since the doctors interpret it via a statistical lens. This will always reassure you about the test and its safety. Other few risks are infection and Rh Sensitization, which is normal. Also, the 1% chance of getting a false positive with CVS remains.

CVS is safe and reliable; if you get it done from good medical institutes like IFM Kolkata, Studies reveal that the chances of a miscarriage are only 0.22%. Hence, it is no risk at all. You can also ask the doctor about it and assess their skill and experience accordingly.

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Questions You Should Ask Your Infertility Specialist When you First Meet

It is not until 1993 that experts of reproductive medicine considered infertility as a disease. Before that, it was considered a physical malfunction. After it is defined as an ailment, people become more conscious about consulting infertility specialists and get their advice regarding complicated reproduction system.

Often people find it quite embarrassing to visit an infertility specialist in Kolkata. They find the entire topic as a matter of embarrassment. Though it is extremely private and personal, there is nothing to feel ashamed of. Right diagnosis and proper treatment will get you fast and best solutions.

To obtain this, you need to meet the top infertility doctor near you. But, before that, you should know what questions to ask the doctor when you meet him for the first time.

  • What is your reason for infertility?

Different people have different reasons for infertility. Sometimes, it is the woman who has the issue and sometimes it the man. Even two women might have a totally different reason to be infertile. So, know your reason first from your doctor to understand what is going on inside your body.

  • What is the first line of treatment in your case?

Infertility treatment can be done in many ways. Usually, medication is the first line of treatment. Ask your infertility specialist about your first line of treatment. These medicines will help your body becoming fertile and augment the chance of pregnancy.

  • What is the role of your overall health on infertility?

Since there are different reasons that cause infertility in different people, you need to know what the role is of your overall health condition in this matter. In many cases, health issues like diabetes, cancer, hypothyroid or obesity can stop you from being pregnant. An experienced infertility specialist will suggest you complete health check-up to diagnose the ailment and determine the right cause. If there are other health issues, they will suggest you consult specialists who can treat the same.

  • How to assisted reproductive system work?

There are lots of procedures to solve the issue of reproduction system. An experienced and reliable doctor will suggest you the right assistance after checking you and your partner. ART or assisted reproductive technology involves treatments like IVF and IUI. Your doctor will help you to understand these processes if you need to go through any of these.

At IFM Kolkata, we offer comprehensive treatment to our patients. Be it infertility issue or fatal medicine – you can obtain everything under one roof when you come to IFM Kolkata. We have the most talented, experienced and renowned doctors in our team who have been working in this field for several years.

Please get in touch with our customer service team via phone calls or send us emails.