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Why a Fetal Scan is Done?

A fetal scan, also known as a prenatal ultrasound, is an essential part of prenatal care, providing valuable insights into the health and development of an unborn baby. Expectant parents in Kolkata, India, and beyond often rely on these scans to ensure the best possible outcomes for their pregnancy. Here are 15 key reasons why a fetal scan is done, highlighting the importance of this procedure in fetal health assessment.

1. Assess Fetal Development

One of the primary reasons for a fetal scan is to monitor the baby’s growth and development. Regular scans help ensure the baby is growing at a healthy rate and can identify any potential growth restrictions early on.

2. Detect Birth Defects

Fetal scans are crucial for detecting structural abnormalities or congenital defects. Early identification allows for timely medical intervention or planning for necessary treatments after birth, ensuring better outcomes for the baby.

3. Monitor Placenta and Amniotic Fluid

These scans check the health and position of the placenta and measure amniotic fluid levels. Both are vital for the baby’s well-being, and any issues can be promptly addressed to avoid complications.

4. Evaluate Multiple Pregnancies

In cases of multiple pregnancies, such as twins or higher-order multiples, fetal scan are used to monitor each baby’s growth and identify any complications specific to multiple pregnancies.

5. Investigate Pregnancy Complications

Fetal scans help diagnose and manage potential complications like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or preterm labour, ensuring both mother and baby receive appropriate care.

6. Verify Due Date

Early fetal scans are often used to confirm or adjust the estimated due date based on the baby’s size and developmental milestones. This helps in planning and managing the pregnancy more effectively.

7. Check Fetal Position

Later in pregnancy, scans determine the baby’s position in the womb, which is crucial for delivery planning. For instance, a breech position might require a caesarean section.

8. Monitor Fetal Heartbeat

Fetal scans assess the baby’s heart rate and rhythm, ensuring it is within the normal range. Any irregularities can be monitored and managed promptly.

9. Assess Blood Flow

These scans examine the blood flow in the baby’s vessels and the placenta, identifying any issues with nutrient and oxygen delivery that could affect the baby’s health.

10. Investigate Bleeding or Pain

Fetal scans can help determine the cause of unexplained vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain during pregnancy, guiding appropriate medical interventions.

11. Screen for Chromosomal Abnormalities

In combination with other tests, fetal scans screen for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, especially in high-risk pregnancies. Early detection aids in preparing for any special care the baby might need.

12. Evaluate Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

Fetal scans are essential for diagnosing and monitoring babies with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), allowing for timely interventions to improve outcomes.

13. Confirm Pregnancy Viability

Early in pregnancy, fetal scans confirm that the pregnancy is viable and located within the uterus, providing peace of mind to expectant parents.

14. Guide Procedures

Fetal scans assist in performing procedures such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) safely, ensuring minimal risk to the baby and mother.

15. Follow-Up on Previous Findings

If previous scans have identified potential issues, follow-up scans are necessary to monitor and re-evaluate these findings, ensuring ongoing care and intervention as needed.

Fetal Scan in Kolkata and India

In Kolkata, the Institute of Fetal Medicine (IFM) is renowned for its expertise in fetal medicine and prenatal testing. Expectant parents in Kolkata and across India can access comprehensive fetal health assessments, ensuring the best possible care for their pregnancy. Fetal scans at IFM provide crucial insights into fetal health, enabling early detection and management of potential issues.

Final Thoughts

Fetal scans are a cornerstone of modern prenatal care, offering a wide range of benefits from assessing fetal development to detecting birth defects and managing pregnancy complications. For expectant parents, especially those in Kolkata and India, accessing these scans at specialized centers like the Institute of Fetal Medicine ensures top-tier care and peace of mind throughout the pregnancy journey. Prioritizing fetal health through regular scans is a critical step in ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby.

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